Release Notes
R001 (March 2023)

Release Notes R001


Released: 24 March 2023

Release instructions

LibraryPurposeNew VersionMigration
@roq/nodejs (opens in a new tab)Server-side SDK0.1.26none
@roq/ui-react (opens in a new tab)UI Components for React0.2.14none
@roq/nextjs (opens in a new tab)UI Components and SDK for Next.js0.1.70none


  "dependencies": {
    "@roq/nextjs": "^0.1.7",


npm install @roq/nextjs


yarn add @roq/nextjs


Default Roles for New Users

You can now define default roles for new users, which will automatically be assigned upon registration. This feature simplifies user onboarding and ensures that appropriate permissions are granted from the start.


Role-Based Invitations

To provide more control over user access, defining which roles can invite other roles is now possible. You can configure it so that it fits your needs. For instance, as a member, you can invite other members but not managers. Just as a manager, you can invite members and managers.



Renaming Multi-Tenancy Entities

Users can now easily rename the multi-tenancy entity (e.g., from "organization" to "company"). This feature allows organizations to customize terminology to better align with their internal structure and language.


Disabling Multi-Tenancy Settings

For those who do not require multi-tenancy functionality, it is now possible to globally disable multi-tenancy settings. This option simplifies the platform interface for single-entity organizations.

Chat system

Files in messages() query

Files are added as nested objects in the response of the messages() query.

query {
  messages {
    data {
      file {